
Microsoft melder normal drift



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Status fra Microsoft:

Current status: We’ve identified that a wide-area networking (WAN) routing change caused impact to the service. We’ve rolled back the change and monitoring the service as it recovers. Some of the customers who had previously reported impact are also reporting recovery.

oversat: Routnings ændringer har ødelagt deres services, de ruller ændringerne tilbage og burde være resolved snarrest


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Update fra Microsoft:

Current status: We’ve isolated the problem to a networking configuration issue, and we are analyzing the best mitigation strategy to address it without causing additional impact. We’ll provide more information once we have additional information.
Scope of impact: Any user serviced by the affected infrastructure may be unable to access multiple Microsoft 365 services.

Oversat: Det fungerer ikke, vi prøver på at fixe det uden at ødelægge mere :)


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Status fra Microsoft

Current status: We've identified a potential networking issue and are reviewing telemetry to determine the next troubleshooting steps.

Scope of impact: Any user serviced by the affected infrastructure may be unable to access multiple Microsoft 365 services.

Næste update er kl 10:00 dansk tid

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M365 skriver følgende:

We're investigating issues impacting multiple Microsoft 365 services. More info can be found in the admin center under MO502273

Vi kan desværre ikke på nuværende tidspunkt tilgå admin centeret for at læse om hvad det specifike problem er


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Vi ser indtil videre at det kun er outlook services som er nede

Vi fortsat undersøger problemerne


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Der kan pt. opleves drift udfordringer hos Microsoft og deres services (Office 365, M365 mm.)

Vi prøver at finde ud af hvad der foregår

/Mark - Supportchef

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Berørte komponenter
  • Microsoft CLOUD
    • Microsoft / Office365
    • Microsoft Azure